
New LGBT Live Band Club, “PLAY” Opens in GaYBOR
30 days ago Spur’s Western Bar in GaYBOR had their last dance. Since that time the new owners, Deb Hunseder & Stephanie Callahan of local famed group Halcyon has been very busy with renovations at the 1701 East 8th Ave club location. The ladies promise to have some wonderful surprises there. It will be a venue for live bands and groups to perform. We promise to have all the Dish & Photos for you next week! They tell us the Grand




New LGBT Live Band Club, “PLAY” Opens in GaYBOR

30 days ago Spur’s Western Bar in GaYBOR had their last dance. Since that time the new owners, Deb Hunseder & Stephanie Callahan of local famed group Halcyon has been very busy with renovations at the 1701 East 8th Ave club location. The ladies promise to have some wonderful surprises there. It will be a venue for live bands and groups to perform. We promise to have all the Dish & Photos for you next week! They tell us the Grand

Opening will be later in the summer months. But in the meantime head out for a preview and welcome to GaYBOR The Sunday T-Dance Line Up in GaYbor has just become even more incredible. With T-Dances beginning at Gaspar’s Grotto then onto Streetcar Charlie’s, Hamburger Mary’s, Ybor Resort & Spa & G.BAR. The fun & surprises never stop at Hamburger Mary’s in GaYBOR! Seven nights a week there is always something going on there. This past Friday for the second show at 11 PM was the cast of “Rocky Horror Picture Show!”

They had us all, even Miss Joey Brooks, doing the ‘time warp’ in the isles! There was pure magic and excitement in the air with the anticipation of Swedish Idol winner Agnes’s performance at Steam Fridays.  The DJs were working the crowd into a fevered pitch, the cast of Steam Fridays performed their hearts out and floating to the stage like an angel from the heavens, in a cloud of color was Agnes! Performing her hit, “Release Me” the crowd went WILD!

It is easy to see why so many people compare Agnes to Lady GAGA. What a super star!  Under “Say What?” at the Honey Pot… have you seen “Drag Queens say the Darndest Things!” which was filmed backstage at the Honey Pot on Friday, April 16 featuring Crystle Chambers, Alisa Summers, and Alexis De La Mer!

Men in Uniforms, Hot Sexy Party People, Porn Stars it must be Fleet Week. But wait isn’t that every Saturday Night at G.BAR! Last week the performing guest star from Falcon Studio’s fame, Bobby Clark, danced & did he ever have a super personality! Talking about porn stars…. G.BAR’s resident star Mr. Z was reported to have been in a fender bender this week. As the other car hit his trunk it popped open and tossed several cases of Mr. Z films across US 19! Don’t worry Mr. Z, we are sure the police were very amazed if not a little jealous!
