
miss-richfield-1981-0Outrageous, Hysterical, one of a kind are just a few of the comments that people have said after seeing a Miss Richfield show. For those of you who haven’t had the chance to see her, please make it a priority as you will be talking about it with your friends for months to come. I was happy to be able to sit down for a short interview with this former beauty queen.



Outrageous, Hysterical, one of a kind are just a few of the comments that people have said after seeing a Miss Richfield show. For those of you who haven’t had the chance to see her, please make it a priority as you will be talking about it with your friends for months to come. I was happy to be able to sit down for a short interview with this former beauty queen.

Tell me about when you won your title in 1981.

First off, I have to thank you for noting my professional title. I find a lot of people are shocked that I won a beauty pageant, particularly after they’ve seen my photo! Perhaps it’s just jealously? The true story of my title will be told in the show “30 Years On the Throne!” So all I can say for now, is that my story of beauty involves talent, Jesus and yards of skin graphing in a local burn unit.

What’s your favorite part of performing on the Atlantis Cruise and did you ever get sea sick?

No seasickness, thank heavens! But I did get a terrible rash once on my seat that moved down my legs and settled as a fungus between my toes. So I haven’t worn open-toed shoes for years. But I think the shoes may be the reason for my lack of seasickness. After all, with my 12-inch heels and my hair sprayed to Jesus, motion isn’t a choice, it’s my life.

 Are you excited about coming to Fort Lauderdale again? What are some of your plans while you are here?

Excited?!? That does not even come close to describing my feelings!!! I can’t wait. In south Florida, I’m a VIP since I speak English, pay with cash, and have a full set of teeth! While I’m there I’m hoping to find property for my mother and dad. They’d love to retire in the Florida. Of course if I can’t find an affordable option, I’ve suggested that they just drive their home down from Minnesota, since there always seems to be ample parking in the area.

What can people expect from your show and what topics will you be touching on? Will the saw make an appearance?

Wow, you are inquisitive! Goodness, I can’t tell you everything right now because I’m not wearing my reading glasses. Just off the top of my head, I’ll be taking a brief trip down memory lane and then focusing on my high-tech computerized future! But most important – and this is what I LOVE – meeting new friends! So I’m hoping you homos bring friends from all over. The Manor is a beautiful facility that does not require one to be in love with their own gender. So bring neighbors, co-workers, or even enemies! Everybody’s welcome!

Who inspires you?

You just keep digging don’t you?!? Are you trying to make me cry? This is like Barbara Walters without the speech impediment! I love to talk about who inspires me, because I know it will inspire others – ME. I wish I could find someone more interesting and inspiring, but when you hold a beauty pageant title from Minnesota, well, I think you know what I mean. For a while I was inspired by Mother Theresa, but she refuses to return my phone calls. And I can’t miss the chance to mention the inspiring work of my friends at GLAAD. We’re going to be raising money with a silent auction at my show for their important work to make people be nice! It’s shocking what people will say and the guys and gals at GLAAD stand up for you homos!

I hear that you’re still single- who would be your dream boyfriend?

You really do your research! I like that! Well, you can imagine with my beauty title, my wildly successful career and my mile-long bus pass on the Greyhound, I’ve certainly had my share of suitors. Unfortunately most of them have been women. It was uncomfortable at first, but fun – you know the Harley rides down the beach, thewood working classes, the canned beer – I don’t want to be critical, or picky, but I’m really hoping something works out with a man at some point! And a dream for me would be Charlie Sheen. Let’s face it, being with that one would be make all my problems disappear. Besides, he’s going to have lots of free time on his hands!

Catch Miss Richfield for 2 nights only at The Manor on Friday and Saturday March 18th and 19th at 8 pm. Tickets are only $25 for general admission and $35 for VIP’s.

For tickets call 1-800-838-3006 or visit MissRichfield.com

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