
Hey Woody,

I have a friend who’s okay looking (not ugly, not beautiful), yet he gets more booty than a New York Port Authority toilet. He goes to parties and bars, but he doesn’t go to baths, sex clubs or even pickup joints, so it’s not like he’s having sex with the first one that comes along. I know you don’t know him personally, but you must know guys like him. What’s the secret to catching as much trouser trout as they do?

– Want as much


Hey Woody,

I have a friend who’s okay looking (not ugly, not beautiful), yet he gets more booty than a New York Port Authority toilet. He goes to parties and bars, but he doesn’t go to baths, sex clubs or even pickup joints, so it’s not like he’s having sex with the first one that comes along. I know you don’t know him personally, but you must know guys like him. What’s the secret to catching as much trouser trout as they do?

– Want as much

Dear Want as Much,

Aside from the fear of rejection, you probably don’t approach guys because you think you have to have the perfect opening line. You’re wrong. All the research shows that what you say has the least impact on people’s attraction to you. Take a look at what body language experts say influence first impressions:

55% Body language

38% Tone, speed and inflection of voice

7% What you’re saying

As you can see, 93% of the first impression you make comes from the way you look, walk and stand! So much for “What’s a nice guy like you doing in a place like this.”

So how do you take the conclusions from all this research and apply them so you too can have an odometer hooked to your bed? Here are five research-based flirting techniques:

1. Ocular Triangulation. When we’re with friends or business associates we look from eye to eye and across the bridge of the nose. With friends, the look moves into a triangle shape: From eye to eye but also down to the nose and mouth. Once you start flirting, make the triangle bigger, widening at the bottom to include the neck and top of chest. Do NOT look at his crotch. Also, look more intensely from eye-to-eye and particularly the mouth. It makes guys wonder what it’d be like to kiss you.

2. Mirroring. Do what they do. If they lean forward to tell you something, lean in to meet them. If they sit back to take a sip of their drink and look you in the eye, pause and do the same. Why? We like people who are like us. Mirroring him will give the impression you’re on the same level and in the same mood. But be careful. Mirroring doesn’t mean “Aping.” Capture the spirit not the exact movements. Wait about a minute to mirror them.

3. The eyebrow flash. When we first see someone we’re attracted to, our eyebrows rise and fall. We’re not conscious we’re doing it because scientists have clocked it at a fifth of a second. You can signal interest to your prey by prolonging the ‘eyebrow flash’ for up to a second.

4. Point Him Out. You’re probably already doing this subconsciously but if you’re interested point your body toward them—torso, feet, legs, and arms. Do it even when you’re not looking at them—it sends a subconscious signal of interest.

5. Blink, Blink. Pupil size increases when you see someone that makes your pants bulge. So does your blink rate. Try blinking more when you’re talking to him. If he likes you, he’ll unconsciously try to match your blink rate (remember, interested people subconsciously ‘mirror’ their love interest).

Most experts agree it takes between 2 to 4 minutes to decide if we like someone. Bottom line: Larn how to flirt. Or do what I do—ply them with liquor. It’s a proven thigh-opener.

Having A Hard Time Finding A Date Online? Download Woody’s new ebook, Attract Hotter Guys ONLINE, available at

Sweating Too Much

Hey Woody,

I read your answer to “smelly” (how to tell your new boyfriend his crotch smells like a grease-encrusted vomit bucket). Loved your answer but wanted to add a different dimension to the problem. I’m one of those guys who smell down there because I sweat so much. It’s very embarrassing. It doesn’t take much to soak my shirt. I could be in a mildly warm bar and sweat like I’m a whore in church. Any advice for people like me?

– Spikot