

The Equality Park Garden Club, in conjunction with The Pride Center, is proud to announce the third annual event A Tropical Plant Fair. This two-day outdoor event takes place on the grounds of The Pride Center (2040 North Dixie Highway, Wilton Manors). The event will include more than 40 plant vendors from around the state showcasing outstanding plants and related accessories for sale. Professional as well as amateur gardeners and plant lovers are invited to attend this signature free event (including free parking).

Founded in 2013 by Chuck Nichols, A Tropical Plant Fair has quickly become a signature event in Wilton Manors with a growing list of contributors and sponsors including, but not limited to,H&G-Fair_copy1 Hotspots, The Islander, Iberia Bank, Island City Traders and Wilton Manors Discount Liquor & Wine Chain. “A special thanks to The Courtyard Café and Shawn whose contribution to the success of last year’s VIP reception did not go unnoticed,” said Chuck Nichols. The Courtyard Café and Shawn’s team will again provide the food for this year’s VIP reception.

I sat down with Chuck Nichols to ask him a few questions about the fair.

Why did you start the Tropical Plant Fair?

The Plant Fair was started as an extension of the Equality Park Garden Club as we thought it would be great to have a plant fair in the east part of Broward County. I thought this would be a great way to invite vendors from around the state to show off their goods in South Florida. I also believe that plants/horticulture are a great stress reducer.

Have your original goals for the Plant Fair been met?

It is way more than any of us ever expected. This has made it easier for us to get speakers for our garden club.

What do you see for the future of the Plant Fair?

H&G-Fair_copy2I see this continuing and growing even larger than it already has. We have an outstanding coordinator in Richard Perez. He was sick at one point and this has helped him heal. He has done an incredible job and I know because of him the Plant Fair is going to get even bigger.

Beautiful trees, flowering shrubs, cycads, tillandsias, tropicals, rare palms and other exotics will be featured along with outstanding orchids, bromeliads, heliconias and gingers. All plants will be available for sale. Information relating to landscaping, insect control, fertilizer and irrigation will be available from the Master Gardeners of Broward County. An additional half dozen not-for-profit organizations will participate. These include cat/dog rescue and adoption, Poverello and Florida Native Plant Societies.

Proceeds from this event will help in developing the proposed gardens at Equality Park as well as benefiting the many programs and services rendered to the community by The Pride Center. This year’s VIP event will include a tree-planting ceremony of Eucalyptus trees (Eucalyptus Deglupta) donated to The Pride Center by Aroidia Research Nursery.

They will be hosting a two-hour outdoor VIP reception on Friday, March 13th (5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.) with drinks, music courtesy of DJ Jose Rose, and food. Attendees to this benefit will get to preview and buy plants before the general public. A limited number of tickets will be available for advance purchase at $25 per ticket or at $20 each if purchased in multiples. Tickets can be obtained by calling Richard Perez, Chairman at (954) 257-2317.

Like the Garden Club on facebook/equalityparkgardenclub.