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Good Trick Gone Bad

Dear Andreus,

I met a guy two weeks ago at a local bar. We hit it off and ended up going back to my place. After a night of amazing sex, and then breakfast together, I find out that he is dating one of my friends. They guy never told me that he was dating anyone, and I didn’t even know my friend was dating someone. I don’t know what to do. It was an honest mistake, and I am afraid that my friend will be mad with me. Any suggestions on how to handle this situation?


Ronald J.

Hi Ronald,

In this situation, it is certainly not your fault. Your friend hadn’t informed you he was dating someone, and the guy (who seems to lack integrity), didn’t inform you either. Nothing happened with intent on your part, so you should not feel bad. Your friend might be upset about the situation, but he should understand your role in this, which is completely innocent. If he is going to truly be upset with anyone, it should be the guy he is dating. This might certainly be a test of friendship, and hopefully your bond is strong enough for him to take the mature route. In the future, since we know gays can be messy, it might be a good idea to ask questions in advance, with the hopes of an honest answer.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

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